Thursday, 7 May 2015

Simple Lunches Post #1 : Warm pea, feta, mint and wilted lettuce salad with Prosciutto

As promised, my recipes will be healthy and delicious and where possible low cost. Well, this dish hits the nail on the head. It may not seem like a lot, but trust me it'll be one of the tastiest lunches you've had in a while. If you fancy you can always add a chicken breast or piece of fish, but I like a big bowl all on it's own! The cost of ingredients won't surpass 90p, so give it a go, there's nothing to lose, (apart from perhaps an inch or two from the waist!) 


use as much as you like depending on how many you want to feed! For one, a cup and a half of peas and half a Romaine Lettuce will be substantial. 

Garden Peas 
Romaine Lettuce 
Olive oil
Feta Cheese
Table Spoon, finely chopped of Mint leaves


1. Fry off your Prosciutto in a dash of olive oil until golden and crisp. Set aside on kitchen paper to soak up any residue fat. 
2. Place your peas into seasoned simmering water. After a minute, add your shredded lettuce to the same pot. Once the lettuce has gone in, drain the veg after about 30 seconds. Leave the peas and lettuce to stand with the lid on to let the steam finish the cooking process, without making everything soggy. 
3. In a bowl mix together two table spoons of olive oil, the juice of half a lemon and salt and pepper. Then into the oil mix crumble in as much Feta as you desire. 
4. Add the dressing over the lettuce and peas and stir well. the feta will start to melt to create a luxurious and silky sauce. 
5. Snap the Prosciutto into the salad, making sure it stays in generous chunks. 
6. Finally, finely chop your mint and stir through the salad last minute.
7. Enjoy your guilt free delicious lunch! 

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